Patras was once an industrial powerhouse in Greece and Saint George's Mill was once one of the biggest industry icons of Patras. Achaea Clauss vinery, Peiraiki-Patraiki textile factory, Pirelli, Veso soap factory, are just few of the other biggest to mention. Unfortunately most of them shared the same story of bankruptcy in late 1980s after nationalization of most of Greek big industry in the whole country. Today, there are only relicts left, empty buildings, very often in the very center of Patras.
That is exactly the case of Saint George Mill. It was built in 1932 and stayed operational until 1990. Today, unwanted and forgotten, full of broken windows, damaged and a little scary, this huge factory stands like a scar on Patras waterfront, one of many scars. All this just 500m from the most busy area of the city - pedestrian Ag Nikolaou and Riga Fereou, where all the cafes, bars and expensive shops are, where thousands of people are passing during sunny Saturday noon.
Photo: NIKON D70s, AP, f 1/9, 1/400s, -0.3EV, f=75 mm (for 35mm), GIMP software