I was taking a typical sunset from my village, with a bridge and some trees in the frame - nothing really fancy or original. Since I wanted some longer exposure times and didnt have my tripod with me, I used the tree as a temp sollution but...
...I got interrupted by small quake that moved the camera. To my surprize, the final effect was quite interesting :-D
Photo: Nikon D90 + kit lenses, f/20, 3s, -1/3EV, f=18mm (27mm for FX), Gimp swr
...I got interrupted by small quake that moved the camera. To my surprize, the final effect was quite interesting :-D
Photo: Nikon D90 + kit lenses, f/20, 3s, -1/3EV, f=18mm (27mm for FX), Gimp swr