Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Patras gulf is known for its strong and constant winds. Especially the area of the bridge is a bottleneck that increases wind speeds. It actually happens quite often for the Rio‑Antirio ferries not to operate and the bridge to be closed due to dangerous windy conditions. Therefore, it is very unusual for this place to experience  absolutely no wind at all!

Of course, it does happen, and probably at least once per month, but only for few hours and so far I have never had my camera with me at the moment. Until now… I finally got lucky and I did take my camera this particular morning when driving work. The Greek word for complete silence is “apnoia”, and on the photo You can notice so rare reflection of the bridge in the sea :-D

Photo: NIKON D70s, AP, f 1/8, 1/500s, -0.3EV, f=60 mm (for 35mm), GIMP software

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